Yay! I finally get to write you guys a real post. Hi, New Followers! *waves!* :D
Not to get TOO far off course with what I was planning on writing today but I just wanted to say that I'm unhappy with how Blogger keeps track of followers. I hate that I can't see who's new to following me and who isn't. So if you're new I'd love to check out your blog if you have one, or just see your profile, and I can't do that unless you let me know you're here. Leave a comment for me, will ya? :)
Okay! On with business. I haven't done a ton of knitting the last week because of my internship! I'm sad and excited that I'm done with that month-long endeavor because I was really enjoying myself and it went by very quickly. I was with the local Chamber of Commerce and I feel like I was wined and dined pretty good! I visited our state capital and met with state senators and other legislators; I even got to watch legislation being passed, which was pretty cool. I learned a whole bunch and met a ton of people, including the fabulous people at the Chamber itself. Everyone was so amazing and supportive of me and I'm sad to be done.
This is the yarn that I won from
Lizzknits , which believe me, has helped with the back-to-school blues! Isn't it gorgeous? (I'm particularly proud of this photo. lol)

I'm having problems finding a suitable pattern, even though I've been trying all morning. It's not a stretchy yarn at all, so I'm afraid a hat, mittens or socks really aren't the answer, and I'm not liking any scarf patterns with lots of lace because the thick-and-thin of it just sorta makes it look messy. This is my first hand-spun yarn and I want to do a really special project! Any ideas anyone?
This next pic is a better representation of the colours on my
Modern Log Cabin Blanket. It got some work done on it while Mr. Pie and I were at the cabin last weekend.

And finally, this is the beginnings of my
Hey Teach! cardigan. I like how this is shaping up. I've just begun the lace part at the top. You may notice if you're familiar with this pattern (as about 7000 of you Ravelry people have already knit this... lol) then you may notice I've lengthed the body quite a bit. I'm hoping this will suit my shape a little bit better.

And Finally, here are the few yarns that I ordered piggy-backed with Jenny's latest KnitPicks order. It's not a lot, but it'll be fun to play. A couple new colours of Palette to go with a few others that I bought back at Christmas time and used for ornaments. These two colours are Oyster Heather and Edamame. I hope to get some colourwork done with these.

And two of Wool of the Andes in Dove Heather. I had been planning on this yarn for my fingerless gloves that have been at the top of my queue, but when I started it at the cabin I decided the yarn was just a tad too scratchy for wearing against the delicate under-wrist skin. Instead, I think I've decided to use this yarn for one of those cool
Vase Covers!

So that's about it for me. I'm so glad to be back on top of things and I'm looking forward to finding my school rhythm again next week. Yep, that's right. I'm starting my spring semester on Wednesday! Wish me luck!