I think it's time for some updates on my projects, don't you? I was reading through some
Lesser Known Skeins (ravelry link) and saw mention that people like to see In Progress photos! And when I thought about it I supposed that I agreed. It's neat seeing someone else's project taking shape. Moreover, it reminded me that I hadn't made mention of a few of my ongoing projects in some time.
My tank top
(Pattern from Amateur Craft Mom) has been foremost on my mind the past little while. It's been exciting to be making something for *me* for the first time! Also, it's my first piece of wearable clothing where things like size and gauge really matter. So far, I've finished the front half and the entire second half. Here it is before I finished the last shoulder straps:

Now I admit, I made a few mistakes. For instance, I didn't measure my own body and then use a gauge swatch to determine how many cast on stitches were going to be required to fit my large hips! I know, totally rookie mistake but I think I've come up with a fairly ingenious plan to compensate though. I decided to practice casting on a cast off edge and add a solid brown stripe up the side of the tank top. And then, to make it look like I meant to do that, I'm going to also add some solid brown ribbing to the bottom as well. Here's a look at how that's coming:

I think I like the added texture of the purls against the knits, and I really like that we get to see my edge there too. I'm not sure how I'll make that happen on the opposite side yet, but I think after some playing I can figure it out. I'm imagining just knitting... but through the holes just like I did on this side. Hopefully it'll work. I'm not sure if I'll continue on my brown hem theme and add it in around the arms and neck or not. we'll see.
In other news, I've finally finished frogging, washing, and re-balling the entire pretty angora blend Salvation Army sweater. It's yielded 550 usable yards in a bulky weight all for $3.50! I feel very... green. Both the environmentally friendly and pocket friendly kind. After finishing my first successful recycling project and putting
THIS pattern in my queue on Ravlery, I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more sweaters to unravel. I have plenty of yarn in my stash now to do my next couple projects (with the exception of maybe one x-mas gift I have planned). But then the fates would prove against me. The neighbors across the street were having a yard sale, with these two beauties marked 50 cents each:

Both are 60% Nylon, 30% Angora Rabbit Hair, and 10% Wool. The red is a women's medium, and the white is a small but seriously... how could I pass these up? They're so SOFT and FUZZY! I think they may become fluffy socks for my sister or something for christmas. If I can overcome my fear of heels.
I'm sad to admit that there has been no more progress on the red and grey hat than I had previously posted, but as soon as I'm finished my tank I'm going to finish it, then I'll cast on a brand new project! Why is it I'm always more excited about what's around the corner than what I'm working on right now?