This post will be mostly composed of thoughts and occurrences that didn't really merit a blog post on their own, so I let them accumulate until they made one post. hehe So expect a pretty random post today!
First, a confession. I won these lovely stitch markers made with little painted cats on a blog give away! I was stoked, because I think stitch markers are so so fun to collect! But... (and here's the confession part) I totally can NOT remember who sent these to me! ACK! I haven't sent this nice lady a thank you note, because for the life of me I can not remember from which of the sites I follow that I won these on! So please, if this was you, forgive me! My brain is being bombarding by school!! Please let me know so I can thank you!
Aren't they cute??
Last weekend while I was mulling over my very lack-luster knitting as of late, I decided to unravel one of the sweaters in my frog pool.

Unless you don't get this impression from the photo: this is a LOT of yarn. I was kinda disappointed too because I thought it was going to be closer to a sport or worsted weight, and instead I'm guessing it's closer to lace or light fingering. Ever since that scarf I knit mom I've kinda given up on really little yarn. I love how it looks knit up! Don't get me wrong! But it takes forEVER to knit up! LOL
I got to thinking... do you think someone would pay for this much yarn? Someone who likes knitting socks maybe? Or someone who has a drop spindle and would like to twist two or three together to make a thicker yarn? I'm not entirely sure, but it's gotta be close to 2000 yards... 100% cotton. And if I was going to sell it, what does a person charge for recycled cotton? I thought I would seek our your opinions because you're always so helpful. :)
Then, my last random thought. I was going through my stash the other day looking at what I had and searching for inspiration to cast on a new project, and came across these:

I'm beginning to accumulate bits and ends of yarns that I've knit with. What in the heck do you do with these?? It's too much to throw out, but not enough to knit anything I can think of. Do you guys store them seperate for doing colour work maybe? I'm going to have a million of these things if I just keep 'em!
School update: today marks my 1 week anniversary of starting classes at Hollins. I am wore out, plain and simple. Right now homework is sucking my energy like a vampire. Ugh. Is this related to my lack of knitting mojo? Discuss.