Today's post is going to be extremely random because I have all these blog posts rolling around in my head and I figured I'd just mush 'em all in to one big long soliloquy. So here goes!
Knit Picks Harmony Needles: Review
There was a comment on my Christmas post that wanted me to review my new needles because she was thinking of buying some for herself. These needles are really fantastic and I totally love them! So far they haven't come apart at the join at all (once I use the key provided for tightening). They are super smooth wood, but not as smooth as metal, and they are SUPER pretty! The colours in the wood make me happy as I'm knitting miles of stockinette. hehe The cord is also really flexible, which I'm thinking will be a big help once I start knitting gloves and such using the Magic Loop method. Another thing that's great is that they are the pointiest needles I've ever knit with and it makes a huge difference. I'm very very happy with them!

All White Again:

Another Christmas Gift:
I fell in love with this little clutch the moment I saw it, but couldn't justify buying it for myself. That's how it ended up on my Christmas list! It's from the etsy shop Ponder and Stitch. It's so perfect and girly! At first I was going to use it for a makeup bag, but couldn't stand the thought of getting makeup all over this beautiful vintage fabric and lace.

Instead it's holding some knitting notions! A small tape measure, my knitting gauge thingy, some stitch markers. Perfect! Now I carry it with me in my knitting bag! :D

Project My First Sweater Update:
I finished the back of the sweater last night and I'm pretty proud of myself. Three days I think it took me? It's the first time I've felt really comfortable doing the shaping around the waist of a piece like this. Before I sorta... made it up as I went. lol

As soon as I'm finished writing this post I'll be casting on the front which means I'll be getting in to this! Very excited!

Alright, I'll end this one here and give you guys more randomness tomorrow including new projects that I'm thinking about starting and some MAJOR yarn I got from my Sister in Law!