Before I talk about anything I'd like to remind one and all, before Monday:
Do Not Forget to enter my Yarn Giveaway to
celebrate my 100th post!
I'll draw probably about 5:00pm EST I think, and I'll count all entries up until I've run the numbers through
So, on to other cool business! I've been a busy bee so far this weekend! On top of a TON of homework that needs to get done, I've been taking time out to both finish up a few projects around the house, and then to start a few new ones.
Remember when I posted about my room change around? You've seen pictures of how the dining room came out, but here's the other end of the house where the credenza came from and the chest got moved to.

The picture was there originally over top of the credenza; we just swapped out for the chest in the same spot. The peg rack we made and hung last weekend out of just a 1x4 and some wooden pegs painted green. Just 10 minutes ago I finished throwing together that little no-sew slip cover for the piece of foam on top of the chest. Now I have a cute spot for people to take their shoes off and hang up their coats! All in all this project cost me maybe $20 in fabric (entry and dining room together) for a look that has really made me feel like the house has been jazzed up!
Does this little bird guy look familiar? He was a left over scrap from the blinds re-do that is in the picture above. I liked him so much I put him in a frame and hung in the next room!

So that was tonight. hehe LAST night I decided to take my own advice and I started to unravel one of the sweaters that was in my frog pond. This one was 50/50 Wool and acrylic and it's VERY bulky. I've been enjoying knitting in bulky lately so I thought this would energize me. And has it ever!

As you can see I'm not quite done and I already have a whole lot of this stuff. I love it! This morning I decided to try and see if wool/acrylic blends could take colour and the answer is well... yes. But not how you would expect it to.

This came out much greyer than I imagined it would, but that's okay. It's not a large piece and I used a TON of colour (both Kool Aid and food colouring) in blue with a touch of red added so it wasn't so bright. I think I'm going to use it as a contrast for my first project.
Which was to be, I decided with yarn in hand, to start those sock-slippers that I've been promising Mr. Pie. My problem in the past is I've always hated doing the whole double pointed needles thing. This time I went in search of a Two Circulars pattern for socks and found
Silver's Toe-Up on Circulars Tutorial.

I can not tell you guys how stoked I am about this. I am SO excited I found a way I actually LIKE to knit socks! I only have two circulars in the right size and length in about two sizes, so I'm really really hoping that Santa is going to bring me a set of
Knit Picks Interchangables for Christmas! ;)
I only have a few Christmas items left to finish, but mostly small stuff. Package toppers and some smaller gifts. I love it! I just have Mr. Pie to worry about now!