Before you read about this awesome giveaway, don't forget to enter the first three giveaways here, here and here! You won't regret it! Also, there's a great coupon code here that you definitely want to check out.
Today is the 5th and final day of PARTAY Bloggiversary The Second! Last but not least, I want introduce you to Stephanie and her Etsy store Stephanie Xu. She has so much greatness!! She carries natural fabrics like cotton/linen blends in SUPER fun patterns as well as outdoor fabric prints! She has bias tape, lace, zippers, iron-on transfers, embroidery, purse handles and all kinds of goodness, as witnessed below. Her style manages to be adorable, sophisticated and polished all at the same time!

ANNNNNDDD.... She has BUTTONS!!! Tons and tons of hand painted wooden buttons, metal buttons, coconut buttons... all with her unique and quirky design sense! I love them all!!
Stephanie would like to give one of you, my followers, any set of buttons you choose from her stock!! How totally COOL is that?? Please be a follower of my blog and leave a comment at the bottom of this post! Also, be sure I can get a hold of you in case you win!!
I will be choosing winners of all 4 giveaways at random on my actual Blog Birthday, July 5th, which is ONE WEEK from today! Best of luck to all of you! And if you would be so kind as to spread the word around to your friend, family, pets, and neighbors, I'd be forever grateful!