Thursday, December 30, 2010

{2010 In Pictures}

I've been quite the productive knitter this past year!  With the help of picasa, I've pulled together a collage of (most of) my projects completed during 2010. 

(just for fun, here's last year's collage for comparison's sake)

I've made a lot of progress this year!  I think  2009 was decidedly the year of hats, but this year I can't really put a label to it.  I knitted more kids' sweaters, venturing in to top down raglan designs, fair isle, as well as pieces knit separately and seamed.  I knit a lot more lace this year, including 4 shawls, as well as a couple pairs of lace socks.  I did a couple pairs of mittens this year, both fingerless and with fingers, which I'm planning on doing more of very shortly.  It was a good year!

In the new year, I'd like to do more sweaters for me and try to knit more for me.  It's amazing how much of what's above I've kept for myself.  7 of the items above are still with me ( and three of those are toques).  I'm still working on melding what I like to wear with what I like to knit, ya know?   I want to knit more socks, for sure.  But my main goal I think is to knit more in a finer gauge.  I think I'm happier with projects when I do, and my knitting is certainly teaching me patience.   Maybe there's a fingering-weight sweater in my not-too-distant future. :)

What about you guys? What are your knitting / crafting goals for 2011?


  1. A productive year indeed!
    In 2011, I will try knitting socks & sweaters for the first time!

  2. wowza did you knit all of these pieces they are incredible! care to do a guest post on knitting? i am looking to expand the design confidential with other tutorial types (especially those i have no clue how to do) and i would love some outside help!

  3. Wow, you were so productive this year! Excellent!
    In 2011...maybe I will try to finish all of the WIPs I have lying around right now (some are 2 years old!)

  4. You've been busy! Love that you've documented it all! I end up giving things away before I can blog about them!

  5. I noticed that you do knit quite a lot! I wonder if I could collage my FOs... I don't blog or ravel all of them, but I like the collage idea.

  6. I am just amazed by your productivity. And such beautiful projects. I don't know how you do it with school and homework, too!

  7. You've made some awesome stuff this past year! That beard-hat cracks me up..

    As for my crafty goals for 2011.. None, yet, or maybe I should say no concrete plans yet. I am going to pick up those damned knitting needles again and hopefully make something nice before the end of 2011.. (even if it's just a scarf!)

  8. love your knitting! you have been busy :)

  9. Really great review in pictures of 2010. I hope your 2011 is filled with as much joy!

  10. Wow! You knit a lot last year!!! Everything looks lovely :)

    My goals for 2011 are knitting from the stash and knitting more! I want to focus on the projects I start and actually finish them. Happy new knitting year! Looking forward to seeing what you knit! :)
