Saturday, May 1, 2010

{Visit a Past FO} - knitcroblo6

Yes, I know I skipped day 5 as yesterday was CRAZY at school so I didn't get a chance.  But I'm back for day 6 and I'm ready to talk about a past FO, and actually, one that kinda relates to why I didn't get to post yesterday.

My Traveling Woman Shawl was shown in an art exhibit yesterday!  How cool is that?  My project group at school was putting on Girl-Positive event and the other group members thought my shawl was so cool that they wanted to display it right beside the other art pieces!

I wear this around campus when it gets chilly and I always get a ton of compliments.  This lace knitting is a ton of work, but dang does it look impressive when you're done. hehe


  1. I can really see it displayd, it's so beautiful that it certainly deserves it!

    Hugs / Jenny

  2. Gorgeous! Since it was displayed Yesterday, that must count for something in KnitCroBlo week! Congratulations!

  3. Very pretty! I love that lace pattern.

  4. It *is* a work of art and deserves to be displayed as such!

  5. It is so beautiful and it is so exciting that it was displayed! So cool! :)
