Friday, June 3, 2011

{Quilting Part 3}

My Crossroads blocks have all been assembled and made to be (mostly) square at 13 and 1/2 inches. 

Of course, Popeye had to help press them last night. He's so helpful, you know. hehe

In the end I had more than enough to complete the goal of 25 squares (instead of 20) so that my quilt is square instead of rectangle - better for cuddling under I think.  I did run out of the crisp muslin I was using and had to substitute in some lighter, so let's hope it holds up okay. lol

There are lots of strips left so I think I'd like to put together pieced quilt back. I think I'd like a dark grey solid binding , and a slightly lighter shade gray, for the majority of the backing, as seen here:

So I'm auditioning different backing ideas.

Idea 1 and maybe my favorite,  I found on this website here, but she doesn't give a source. 

And here's a whole flickr group with just backs of quilt ideas.  I never know how people will feel about me using their photos, so go there and see if there's any you super like. Or if you have other ideas of how I could use up all these fabrics for a back, I'd be more than grateful! :)

It's coming along!


  1. Wowee its looking fab. Love the grey (as you know!). If I had to choose I would pick the darker one...

    Gotta love popeye. So cute!!! Him and beaks would get on so well!

  2. oh my god how cute is popeye! We miss all of you!

  3. Looking awesome! What is it about cats and crafts? LOL
