Saturday, February 19, 2011

{The Conversation}

I just got through listening to an NPR radio piece called The Resurgence Of Knitting from On Point with Tom Ashbrook, which can be found here:  Definitely worth a listen.

my first afterthought heel sock, in progress
knit from Sock It To Me

I love the conversation about why knitting has been enjoying a resurgence in the last decade or so.   For me, knitting is all about creating something from yarn... which in and of itself isn't a very useful item.  Spending the time to create practical pieces of clothing, combined with the art involved with choosing yarn and matching it to patterns is just so enjoyable and yes, at times, relaxing.  I do feel a connection with past generations, in specific my grandmother, when I hear the click of the needles and I feel such a pride when I get to tell someone "I made that."  But knitting is more than that too.  It's self expression and a kind of rebellion against all things modern that seem to take us further away from one another.  It's all about the community of people I don't even know, but with whom I share the common bond of knitting with.

Why do you knit?


  1. Why do I knit? Relaxation, creating art, creating *wearable* art, to wrap myself in warmth, to focus my brain, to keep my hands busy while socializing.


  2. I love Tom Ashbrook. On Point is one of my favorite podcasts! I missed this one; thanks for pointing it out.

    I love the way hand-knitting is a statement against all things modern, at least all manufactured things. It's a testament to the value of craftsmanship and individuality.

  3. Oh I knit so I don't kill people... at least that is what my desktop wallpaper says.

    Seriously though, I knit because it's fun. Plain and simple. I love to create beautiful pieces of wearable art from a simple string. My mother knits too and I always have such pride in wearing what she made - as do my kids, or so they say, when they wear what I make for them.

    The knitting community is a wonderful group of people, both men and women, who have such a calming peace about them, online and in real life. They are all such joys to be around that I can't imagine my life without knitting in some form or fashion.

  4. Hmmm. I knit because it's fun. I knit because I like craft and making things, my mom and grandma were always sewing and knitting, so I guess I imprinted on that. I knit because I love the texture and color of yarn, it pings some happy place in my brain. Knitting has taught me about what colors I like, what fabrics and fibers I like, what I really like to wear and what looks best on me (as I don't want to knit something that I won't love love love).

    Yay for knitting!

  5. I knit for many reasons. One is that I have this need to always feel busy and "doing something". So I knit when I am watching a movie, or just sitting around listening to music.

    But the reason I knit on these occasions, as opposed to something else, is I love that I am creating something useful (even if I never finish it!) out of just a ball of yarn. It is magical!

  6. I *heart* NPR. I'm not a regular On Point listener (it comes on a 5 PM here, not a great time) but I'll definitely check this out. I think for me knitting is a step back from the instant gratification culture that we seem to live in--I have to put in (sometimes a lot of) effort to make something beautiful.

    I don't know if they get into this on the podcast, but I've heard that the reason our mothers 'rejected' knitting was a form of rebellion--their mothers did it, so it was old and antiquated. Enough time has passed that it can be cool again!
