my first afterthought heel sock, in progress
knit from Sock It To Me
I love the conversation about why knitting has been enjoying a resurgence in the last decade or so. For me, knitting is all about creating something from yarn... which in and of itself isn't a very useful item. Spending the time to create practical pieces of clothing, combined with the art involved with choosing yarn and matching it to patterns is just so enjoyable and yes, at times, relaxing. I do feel a connection with past generations, in specific my grandmother, when I hear the click of the needles and I feel such a pride when I get to tell someone "I made that." But knitting is more than that too. It's self expression and a kind of rebellion against all things modern that seem to take us further away from one another. It's all about the community of people I don't even know, but with whom I share the common bond of knitting with.
Why do you knit?